Sunday 7 April 2013

Attic Renovation Part II

So having moved the bedroom furniture away from the eaves that needed clearing, the next stage was to do just that.

This is what the eaves looked like then...

Grim isn't it?!

See those boxes there...? The ones with lots of paper in?...

They contained hundreds of these!!...

Yes, poor Vivod was once inhabited by those crazy JWs! I did already know this because I found loads of stuff when I moved in relating to them but I thought I had removed it all!

Anyway, back to the attic. LOTS of clearing took place. Largely involving me lugging stuff down 2 flights of stairs and then through the ground floor. I think the back of my garden is probably the furthest point from the attic. By the end of the day I was exhausted but it was worth it...

Now, it just needed a few boards and something on the roof to stop all that 'gunk' from landing on my belongings. So a little tarpaulin and a staple gun later...

Ta-dah! It's not finished but you get the idea. The boards need to be screwed down and the other side still needs doing too but I would actually be happy to put stuff in there now if I needed to.

So where did it all go?...

I also took the opportunity to clear some clutter from the garden too but I will come back to that another day.


  1. Hi! May I ask, what are you planning to do with your attic? Usually, people use it for storage but I think, an attic bedroom would be really cool. By the way, your attic looks way better than now. Great job!

    1. This bit of the attic is for storage as its only the eaves but the main part, shown in other recent posts has just been fully plastered (post to follow shortly) and will be used as a bedroom again soon. I can't wait to show you, it looks fab already let alone once its all finished!

